Do-It-For-You Internet Marketing Services

Don’t miss the massive shift that’s happening right now in your industry! If you’re depending on old media only and currently using the Newspaper, Yellow Pages, Post Cards, or Space Ads for your business, you run the risk of being crushed by your competition. We are here to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.

Go Online Marketing’s tailor made Internet Marketing Services have been scientifically designed to take your business online and position you as an expert while building relationships with your prospects and clients. This will make you a trusted authority in your market place. By implementing our services, you will bring your business up to speed, build your brand and make sure your business strives online this year.

Start Marketing your Business on the Internet and Go Online Today!

Powerful Video Marketing Campaigns

Web video marketing, or video search engine optimization, is the cutting edge of online advertising today. You can benefit from this tactic and dominate the web in your chosen market place. With mini-commercials working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can harness the power of the new media revolution and become an instant expert in your field. This will ensure that you are the top choice in your local market, getting you exposure in ALL search engines and top rankings in Google, Yahoo and Bing.

To take your site ranking to the next level, you need a compelling Lead Capture and Follow-Up Campaign that builds a list of interested prospects and automatically turn them into buying clients with push button automation.

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more, call us today at:
(416) 900-0988

Web Development

Our web development team focuses on website design that delivers the main line of communication between you and your customers. How your website is designed can be critical to your company and its online success. Your website may just be what your potential customer needs to see to choose you over a competitor, even if you don’t conduct all of your business through your website online.

Go Online Marketing websites are designed with the ultimate in design concept and branding appeal to your target market. Our website design process will ensure that we factor in everything that is important to you, such as a necessary "call to action" that will ensure people aren't just visiting your site, but are actually calling you or placing orders. We will custom design a website to suit your business, whether you need one page or multiple pages.

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more, call us today at:
(416) 900-0988

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is becoming one of the fastest growing marketing methodologies. As more businesses turn to the Internet to sell their services and products, it becomes very important for them to market themselves properly online. SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid (“organic”) search results.

The most cost effective strategy a company can do today to generate business online is to get ranked on the natural side of search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. However, you have to keep on top of what's happening in the rapidly changing search engine industry in order to maintain your ranking. The rules that affected your ranking yesterday may be meaningless tomorrow! If you do all this right, you will have a web site capable of maintaining desired revenue goals while achieving high rankings in the organic sections of search engine results pages.

It's a good idea to optimize your site on a regular basis if you want your business to be successful online. This will make sure it's got a good position in the Web's top search engines.

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more, call us today at:
(416) 900-0988

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is one way to assure targeted traffic to flow straight to your website – traffic that converts to buyers. If your site hasn’t been ranked yet in the “natural” (unpaid) search results, PPC ads will definitely get you on the front page and a top ranking literally overnight. It’s a much faster way of delivering highly targeted traffic to your website which can make an incredible impact on your business.

With PPC advertising in Google, Yahoo, Bing and Facebook, you’re able to advertise on keywords relevant to your business and ensure your ads only come up in areas you service, during scheduled times and at your own budget.

This will have an instantaneous impact on your traffic and lead generations. The best part of pay-per-click advertising is that everything can easily be tracked and your PPC campaign can be improved to attain a higher return on investment (ROI).

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more, call us today at:
(416) 900-0988

Social Media Management

One of the fastest growing Internet marketing services that are available today is Social media management. With over 500,000,000 members, Facebook alone is a giant that cannot be ignored.

Social networks (like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.) have changed the way people research and make buying decisions. When leveraged in your favour you’ll have the opportunity to build more trust, respect, and credibility than ever before. Imagine being able to have feedback on how to improve your business, and sell more on a daily basis. Imagine being able to turn every customer into a potential raving fan who will advertise for you.

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more, call us today at:
(416) 900-0988

Email Marketing

Email is an incredibly powerful communication tool. It allows you to build strong relationships with your leads over time and establish your credibility as an authority in your field.

By always following up with your leads or clients, you can send them useful information that helps them make a buying decision, you can reduce their "purchase anxiety”, you can send them a survey that will give you feed back to help you improve your business, and much more. Plus, you can automate the entire process so you spend less time dealing with customer service -- and more time growing your business!

Email Marketing is very important because it gives you multiple opportunities to get new customers, sell more products or services to existing clients and get more referrals.

It also gives you and your business more branding and it positions you as an expert in your market place as you’ll be their only source of information.

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more, call us today at:
(416) 900-0988

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is an excellent way for you to connect with your market in an effective manner every time. It is designed for the use of cell phones, smart phones (iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, etc.) and other mobile-handheld devices (iPad, iPod, etc.) in order to increase brand awareness, generate customer opt-ins, and drive more attendance to specific locations and events.

Mobile marketing gets you immediate results. Your client can obtain information about your product or service right then and there where ever they may be. This allows you to market, stay connected and relevant with your prospects and clients.

Deliver content such as text, graphic and voice messages, blog-articles, videos, links, phone numbers, podcast-videos, audio, Twitter feeds and more. Capture prospective clients contact information and follow up by email or text. Set up mobile web pages with content, images, links, phone numbers, etc. about your business, and broadcast in real time to clients. You can even have your very own iPhone App set up for your business which can position you as an expert and authority in your marketplace.

Mobile marketing will continue to grow rapidly as the world becomes even more mobile advanced. It is becoming one of the most successful types of marketing around and now is the time for your business to tap into the fast-growing, widespread mobile market!

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more, call us today at:
(416) 900-0988

A La Carte Services

Are you looking for some individual A La Carte Services to cater to your business Internet Marketing needs?

If you don’t see something that you would expect in one of our packages that we should offer, don’t be discouraged, just ask, and we’ll be happy to give you a quote.

Although our full service offering of custom designed Internet Marketing Packages satisfies the large majority of our clients’ needs, we certainly understand the benefit of offering some of our renowned services by themselves.

We make it happen, and we do it all for you. To learn more about our ever growing list of A La Carte Internet Marketing Services, call us today at: (416) 900-0988

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Have one of our Internet Marketing Consultants call you to set up a time for your free marketing consultation. Just fill in the form below.

You'll also receive a free video that explains the 5 Marketing Marvels that Will Have Your Business Thriving in 2011... While Your Competition Wonders What Happened?

Go Online Marketing

Call us today and ask us how we can help your business grow.

(416) 900-0988

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Fax: 416.900.0930

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720 King Street West, Suite 408
Toronto, Ontario  M5V 3S5

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Go Online Marketing, Inc.
720 King Street West
Suite 408
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3S5

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